Manage People Profile

Note: This page is no longer maintained here. Please see the new page in the Unanet Knowledge Center on the customer portal.  

Unanet Administrators can manage user accounts via the People maintenance screens.  These include the people profile (which is a series of tabs to manage overall people settings) and additional menu options (along the left side of your screen).  These screens are comprised of several sub-screens that allow for the management of user attributes.  These screens can be accessed via the People >> List option.  

You may also be interested in:

Add, Edit or View People

The add person () icon is available on several screens, including the people dashboard and people list screens. Users with the Administrator, P&R Administrator, or HR Administrator role will have access to this functionality.  Clicking on this icon will present the user with the People Profile screens (described further below).  

The Purchasing tab is only available with the Financials family of Unanet licenses.

Users can also edit () or view () people information via the  People >> List option.  The people profile is comprised of a series of tabs to manage overall people settings and rules.

When setting up a new user, there are a number of fields across the various tabs that are required.  Which fields are required may vary depending on the property settings on your site, however, you will need to supply several fields regardless of the settings (e.g., Person Org, Username, Rate Effective Date, and more).



Click on a link below to learn more about each tab on the people profile:

Profile  (general information about a user)

Roles  (user permissions)

Time  (time specific user attributes)

Expense  (expense specific user attributes)  

Purchasing (purchasing approval attributes)

Rates  (user effective date, classification, default cost element and rate information)

Password  (reset user password)

Other   (additional user defined fields)

Customer (customer approval attributes)



Once you have successfully added a user to the system, you can then manage additional attributes via the left menu options.

The Back to List link will return you to the previous list of people.

Each menu option is described further in the sections below.