Admin - Setup

Note: This page is no longer maintained here. Please see the new page in the Unanet Knowledge Center on the customer portal. 


Prior to using the system, there are a number of underlying reference tables that may need to be setup.  


All menu items on this screen are available to users having the Administrator role.  

All menu items are also available to users having the P&R Administrators role with a few exceptions (those entries noted with a P&R in the listing below).

Those items available to HR Administrators, GL Admins, AP Admins and AR Admins are noted in the listing below with one of the following respectively: (HR, GL, AP or AR).


Users with the Administrator role have access to all of  the Setup screens.  

The options available on this screen will vary depending on which edition of Unanet is installed:


Click on a link below to learn more about setting up specific data entities.


Approval Groups(HR)




Expense (E)






Time (T)


User-Defined Fields