Admin - Export

Note: This page is no longer maintained here. Please see the new page in the Unanet Knowledge Center on the customer portal.  

The Export feature can be used to pull data from the Unanet database in a custom defined format.  This may be particularly useful for feeding data to a downstream system.   This feature can also be used for marking certain types of data as having been EXTRACTED (to help prevent sending the data downstream multiple times --- and also prevents further update of that data in the case of time and expense actuals).


All of the exports are available to users having the Administrator role, with certain exports available to other roles.  See the List of Exports below for more information as to which other roles have access to specific exports.

In addition, Administrators can give Data Export User roles access to specific exports on the Admin Setup >> Miscellaneous >> Data Import/Export Template Access page. Data Export Users will only have access to those exports from this page. These users cannot create, delete, edit, or copy templates.

Performance Tip Note:  Depending on the number of users in your installation and other factors such as the overall performance of your platform, the activity of extracting data may take up to several minutes.  Should this be the case with your installation, you may want to consider running this process at non-peak times to minimize database contention.

Topics covered on this help page include:


You may also be interested in:



Export Menu


Export Search screen:

Upon clicking Export (under Exchange Templates) or List from the menu, you will be presented with the Search tab, with which you can specify selection criteria to narrow down your resulting list.  

Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):



Once you have supplied the desired selection criteria, click on the List tab to display any matching templates.


Example Export Template List Screen:

When you click export (or the List option), you are presented with a screen similar to the following example:


Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):



Running an Export

Once you are ready to run an export, click on the run icon () next to the appropriate template.  This will present you with a selection criteria screen to specify any additional information.  Each type of import may have its own set of selection criteria.

-- Administrator -- All of the exports are available to users having the Administrator role.  
-- P&R Administrator -- With a few exceptions, all exports are available to users having the P&R Administrator role.  Those exports where that role cannot access the feature will be marked with a double asterisk **.
-- HR Administrator -- A few other exports are accessible to the HR Administrator (noted in the list below with an appended (HR)).


Click on the links below to see examples of each:



1099 Vendor Payment   (see the Unanet 1099 Knowledge Center entry (search for this topic in the Knowledge Center) for more information about 1099 generation)

Accounts **

Accounts Receivable


Approval Group (HR)


Contract  Note: Contract functionality is for cloud customers only.

Contract Mod  Note: Contract functionality is for cloud customers only.

Customer Payment

Customer Profile  

Employee Type

Employee Type - Expense Type

Employee Type - Pay Code

Expense   (HR)

Expense Budget

Expense Plan

Expense Type - Master

Expense Type - Project

Fixed Price Item **

General Ledger

General Ledger Journal Entry

Item - Master

Item - Project

Journal Entry

Labor Category - Master   (HR)

Labor Category - Project

Location - Master   (HR)

Location - Project

Organization **

Organization Access   (HR)

Organization Address

Organization Contact

Organization Contact Address

Organization Contact Email

Organization Contact Phone

Pay in Lieu of Benefits (HR)

Person   (HR)

Person Accruals   (HR)

Person Benefits  Note: Service Contract Act functionality is for cloud customers only.

Person Skills

Planned Work

PO Assignment **


Project Administrators
Project Fee

Project Invoice Setup

Purchase Order - Mods ** (from Admin Export Search page, you can select "Purchase Order" in the Type field)

Purchase Order - Open/Close ** (from Admin Export Search page, you can select "Purchase Order" in the Type field)

Purchase Order - Originals ** (from Admin Export Search page, you can select "Purchase Order" in the Type field)

Skill Level

Skill Type



Time   (HR)

Vendor Invoice **

Vendor Payment **

Vendor Profile **



Saved Selection Criteria

If you run certain export templates on a regular basis, you might be interested in saving the selection criteria used in conjunction with a particular template for future reuse.


Saving Selection Criteria

When running an export, once you have configured the selection criteria to your liking, you can click on the Save Criteria button located at the top and bottom of each selection criteria screen.  Upon clicking this button, you will be prompted with a screen similar the to following, where you can enter your own custom name for the saved criteria.  


Using Saved Selection Criteria

After you have saved a set of selection criteria, you will notice it is then available in the drop-down list of Saved Expo rt which is located at the top of each selection criteria screen.  The list of saved selection criteria included in the drop-down will be limited to those that apply to the type of template you are currently trying to run (e.g. Time, Expense, Project, etc).  That is, when running a Time template, you will only see saved selection criteria that was related to the running of a Time template.

When you select a Saved Export from the drop-down list, the screen is refreshed with all fields populated as they were originally saved.


Deleting or Renaming Saved Selection Criteria

To delete or rename a saved export criteria, you can navigate to the Saved Criteria left menu link on the Admin >> Export screen.  The only options you have on this screen are to delete or rename an existing saved criteria entry.  For your convenience, the type of template and the name and time of the last update is also displayed.


Note that saved export criteria is available for use by any Administrator or HR Administrator that has access to a particular type of template.

Saving Export Output

You will notice on each of the export selection criteria screens several fields that can be used to help direct the output, including:


Note: if the filename does not contain a fully qualified path, the file will be written to the temp directory as defined by the Temp Directory (Fully Qualified Directory Name)  (unanet.temp_directory) property.   If that property has not been set, then the file will be written to the current working directory as defined by your Servlet Engine installation.

In addition to these two options, you will also have the option of downloading and saving the output to a local destination.  On the export results screen, you will notice a link at the bottom that reads Download the file.  You can click on this link to save the file to a local destination.

Creating or Modifying a Template

To learn more about creating or modifying a template, check out Working with Templates.