Last Updated On
The Last Updated On field will reflect when an Hours (ETC) Estimate to Completion for Date (EDC) - Estimated Date of Completion was last updated. It is possible to update this date without making a specific change to an ETC or EDC entry such that you can indicate the previous estimates are still valid as of today. You can not specify a particular value for this field, the system will update it with the current system date when updates do occur.
To ensure this field is not updated every time an assignment record is updated, the various screens that allow for the update of ETC and EDC data require that those fields first be 'enabled' to update by checking a checkbox.
Depending on the Enable ETC Collection on Timesheet (unatime.etc_collection.enabled) property, end users can update their own ETC information via the Time >> ETC screen or via the Timesheet >> View Icon.
See ETC Wizard article for more information about managing ETCs.